21 Nov Strata Signage – Residential and Commercial
Strata signage Residential and Commercial equates to directional signs, OHS signs and parking signs, speed control signs. These are needed for units and factory complexes.
We outline some of the signs needed for residential and commercial strata blocks. Typically both residential and commercial units need easily read signage. Therefore you will need unit numbers, car park signs, warning signs or any special directional signs.

directional signs for units
Strata signs are fixed to walls or alternatively can be stencilled onto concrete areas and driveways. Laser cut letters and numbers whether stainless steel or acrylic can be glued to any wall surface. These are a good looking alternative and most importantly easily read from a distance. Therefore stainless letters are a worthwhile investment for residential unit blocks.
Parking signs for visitors and unit owners are stencilled to car park spaces in your strata block or business premises.
Line marking services include names, logos and images. Stencilled patterns are also designed and installed to concrete. Stencilling both convey a message and helps cover old concrete areas. All our design and installation is done by experienced sign writers therefore guaranteeing excellent workmanship.
Car park signage should be easily read. Tenants and visitors need to understand which way the traffic is flowing. They may need to be careful of on coming vehicles or pedestrian traffic. Importantly the signs need to be in a prominent position.
Absolute Sign Solutions supply the following services:
- Painted lines to mark car parking spaces
- Zebra crossings for safe pedestrian access
- Lines to indicate disabled parking spaces
- Lines to indicate direction of traffic
Logos and lettering
- Hand painted letters are alternatively known as sign writing. They can be created at any size. Another alternative is laser cut stencils. Stencils are used to create precise lettering and logos. These signs can be made to any size and a selection of coloured stencil paint is available.
- Disabled stencils and other compliant symbols are available. These are made to Australian standards. Stencils are custom made to meet your requirements, therefore you are not limited to off the shelf products.
- Stainless steel letters are popular as they have an up market appeal.
- Stencilling of any design is applied to concrete areas. These stencil designs help hide imperfections therefore you can make the space more attractive.
- Stencils are designed to suit your requirements
- A selection of colours are available.
- Our Sign writers are traditionally trained. They give you a quality end product.
- Our lettering will be correctly spaced with easily read fonts.
- The paint we use is a durable non slip matte finish. Over time it will show some wear from vehicle tyres etc. It is easy to use the same stencils to go over the exact space when they need to be renewed. The markings will easily be brought up to brand new quality again.
Absolute Sign Solutions sign writers will advise what sort of strata signage will work best for you. We have over 30 years experience in Signage and Design. You can be confident of quality workmanship.
Some of the common areas where signs are needed are:
- entry and exit areas
- common areas
- car parks & driveways
- disabled spaces and loading zones
- commercial shopfront floors
- timber flooring
- vinyl flooring
- warehouses with concrete floors
- outdoor entertainment areas
- swimming pools
- lifts and escalators
- garbage storage areas
- common washing areas